Thursday, March 30, 2017


Dandruff consists of scalp particle with an oily sheen that lie close to the hair root . This condition should not be confused with flaky scalp 


Poor diet , sluggish metabolism , stress , a hormonal imbalance , and some times infection  . These conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp , which is often associated with an increase in sebum . The scales will absorb the excess oil ,but if the problem is untreated it will becomes worse .


Rethink your diet and lifestyle . Learn relaxation techniques if the problem appears to be caused by stress . Brush the hair before shampooing and scrupulously wash combs and brushes . Always choose a mild shampoo with an antidandruff action that gently loosens scales and helps prevent new ones . Follow with a treatment lotion , massaged into the scalp using the fringertips.The treatment must be used regularly if it is to be effective . Avoid excessive use if heat stylers .If the dandruff persists , consult your family doctor or trichologist .

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