Monday, September 12, 2016

How to do this test ???

1. Check the scalp
2. Concentrating on areas that are oily / red / with acne / inflamed
3. Apply the demodexil test regulator on the problem area
4. Leave on for 10 minutes
5. Reapply on the same spot for another 10 minutes
6. Press on top of the area applied with the products , scrap it with a scalpel and put the specimen   sample on the glass slide
7. Place the glass slide under the microscope and examine
8. Look carefully and start magnification at 4/0.1 to identified . Increase the magnification after mites are found / to see more details.
9. Adjust the light and focus as necessary to see the living & dead mites , eggs or nymphs
10. Always clean and disinfect the tools

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